Do You Have A High Water Bill?

Water is an essential utility in every city. It’s a concern for both homeowners and renters as well as commercial property owners. High water bills are troublesome for many reasons. The EPA estimates that the average household can lose nearly 10,000 gallons each year. Ten percent of homes also leak more than 90 gallons per day.

It is important to find the root cause of a higher water bill and fix it quickly. Here are some common causes of high water bills and what you can do about them.

1: Running/Leaky Toilets

Toilets account for about 31 percent indoor water usage for an average American home. They pose a significant leak risk, so it shouldn’t surprise that they are a problem. A leaking or running toilet can contaminate water up to 6,000 gallons per day and cost hundreds of dollars.

Two methods are used to check for a leaky toilet.

  • The Sound Check: Just walk up to the toilet and take a look. If you hear a strange hissing sound, it could be a leak. You will need to inspect the tank flapper, water lines connections and seals.
  • The Dye Test: You’ll need either food coloring or a tablet to perform this test. You can remove the lid from your toilet tank and add a few drops of color (or a tablet) to it. Once the dye is in the tank, let it sit for about 15-20 minutes before checking the bowl. If there is dye in the bowl, it means that there is a leak and water from the tank can seep into the bowl.

Most likely, the leaks are caused by a defective flapper in your toilet tank. This is a quick fix and takes only a few minutes.

2: Leaky Faucets & Fixtures

Another common reason for high water bills is a leaky faucet fixture. Higher water bills will result if the leak is more severe. A faucet that leaks approximately one drop per second could waste 17 gallons of water over the course a single day. It is simple to fix a leaking faucet.

To identify a leak in a fixture, merely look at your shower heads and faucets. A faulty rubber washer on the faucet handle is the most common reason for a faucet to leak. You can turn off the water supply to the faucet leaky faucet by unscrewing the handle. Then, replace the washer with a new one.

3: Irrigation Leaks

Leakages can occur indoors in many cases. A leaky line or joint in your irrigation system could cause water to leak, even if the irrigation system is turned off.

It can be difficult to spot these leaks, especially if they are hidden from view. You may need to inspect your lawn for any unusually wet patches or areas that appear more lush than the rest. These signs are similar to lateral lines.

You may need to hire a professional plumber in order to locate the source of the leak and to replace or fix the affected irrigation lines.

4: Lateral Line Leaks

Sometimes, a crack in one of the underground pipes that supplies water to your home from your metered connection may be causing leakage. These leaks can be caused by many factors, including pipe age, seismic activity and tree root intrusion.

Although it is similar to an irrigation leakage, this problem is often much more serious. The amount of water consumed by your utility bill can be used to determine if there is an irrigation leak or a lateral water supply pipe leak.

A professional is the best way to fix these leaks. A professional will recommend the best solution to the problem, such as traditional trench and replace, pipe lining or pipe burst.

5: Older, Outdated Fixtures and Toilets

Many homes have a long history and old plumbing fixtures. Recent years have seen many efficiency improvements to common water fixtures such as new-model faucet aerators, low-flow toilets and water-saving showerheads.

This is not a problem that suddenly appears. It’s more common to find it in the beginning of a house, and you end up paying higher water bills than you expected.

This post was written by Joey Denick. Joey is the Owner and Operator of Clog Kings. At Clog Kings, LLC, we pride ourselves on our dedication and efficiency. We know you don’t have time to waste. That’s why we work fast to get your home or commercial building back up and running in no time. If you are looking for plumbers in St.Petersburg FL then look no further because we got you covered!

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